The Requests for Tender are part of the joint Australian and Tasmanian Governments’ $119.6 million infrastructure investment funding in the Tasmanian Freight Rail Revitalisation Program, which focuses on priority sections of the Tasmanian Rail Network being upgraded over four years to June 30, 2019.
The new tender packages focus on track works on the Western, Fingal, Bell Bay and Melba Lines, as well as level crossing upgrades at Foster Street, Railton and Westbury Place, Deloraine. Works will commence in December 2017 and January 2018.
As part of the planned upgrades, contractors are expected to install approximately 9400 new sleepers, 7700 metres of new rail, 5000 tonnes of ballast and also tamp 8500 metres of track.
TasRail CEO Damien White said this Infrastructure Investment Program work would enable TasRail to improve the reliability of the freight rail network, ensuring the ongoing safe, competitive and timely delivery of freight on behalf of customers.
“The Bell Bay track works will improve the reliability of the intermodal and log traffic to and from George Town, while the Melba Line works will focus on the removal of maintenance-intensive mechanical rail joints as well as new line,” Mr White said.
“New track work through level crossings reduces ongoing maintenance, improves the facility for pedestrians and road vehicles and enhances track quality for TasRail’s rollingstock.
TasRail is very thankful to both the State and Federal Governments for their ongoing funding commitment to Tasmanian rail infrastructure, and there is no doubt that this investment is translating into more freight moving by rail.”
TasRail applies the State Government’s Buy Local Policy and tenderers are required to demonstrate their support of Tasmanian industry and businesses.
Further details of the following Requests for Tender are available on TasRail’s website www.tasrail.com.au:
- RFT-TR-RF0158: IIP Track Works Western, Fingal and Bell Bay Lines
- RFT-TR-RF0166: IIP Melba Line Welding and Track Works
- RFT-TR-RF0172: IIP Crossing Upgrades Railton and Deloraine