Tasmania’s Rail Access Framework provides the mechanism by which the Tasmanian Govermnent implements the principles of the National Access regime and Competition Principles Agreement. These principles ensure that third party operators are able to negotiate for access to monopoly infrastructure, including the Tasmanian Rail Network.
The Tasmanian Rail Access Framework Policy was prepared by the Department of State Growth in consultation with key stakeholders including TasRail, tourist and heritage rail groups and the Department of Treasury and Finance.
The Policy operates in parallel with the legislative requirements under Rail Safety National Law and it improves the transparency of rail access for all parties by setting out the roles and responsibilities of TasRail as the Below Rail operator, as well as the roles and responsibilities of access seekers that will be responsible for their own Above Rail operations.
The Policy outlines rail access charges that apply to Above Rail operations on the Tasmanian Rail Network. These charges consist of a flagfall rate which is to be charged regardless of length travelled or mass carried; and a variable rate which is to be charged proportionally to the length travelled and mass carried (in terms of gross tonne-kilometres (GTK)). The charge is applicable for any section of the Tasmanian Rail Network.
To download the Tasmanian Rail Access Framework Policy click on the following link: