TasRail has cautioned the public to stay well away from rail infrastructure throughout the current flood event in Northern Tasmania.
TasRail CEO Steven Dietrich said that bridges and infrastructure, which are always off limits to the public for safety reasons, were being used as viewing areas to watch flood waters or as shortcuts to avoid road closures.
“This is unacceptable risk-taking behaviour at a time when the State’s emergency services personnel are focused on far more pressing issues,” he said.
“Rail bridges are never a safe place to be, but at times like this, there is an even greater risk.”
Mr Dietrich said that TasRail’s Melba Line service had now recommenced, and services between Devonport and Railton were expected to restart this weekend. He said that the Bell Bay Line was expected to reopen early next week post inspection of any flood damage at TasRail’s Newstead site.
“Our track inspectors and maintenance crews are out and about working to bring the rest of the network safely online,” he said.
“Please remember that we continue to be a 24/7 operational railway. Look up, look out, and stay rail safe.”