R U OK? Day is a national day of action held every year to remind people to regularly check in with those around them who might be struggling in their lives, and ask ‘are you ok?’
Naomi Frauenfelder, General Manager of TrackSAFE welcomes the initiative saying that one simple question could potentially save someone’s life.
“This R U OK? Day we are encouraging people to reach out to each other whether it is as commuters using the rail network at stations and on trains, or in the workplace.
"More than 2 million Australians travel on trains every day, and more than 110,000 people are employed in the rail industry. R U OK? Day is a tremendous opportunity to build a climate of care and support among our large community of rail commuters and workers,” says Ms Frauenfelder.
TrackSAFE announces second annual Rail R U OK? Day
TrackSAFE is also pleased to announce its commitment to organising the second annual Rail R U OK? Day on 23 April 2016.
Rail R U OK? Day was initiated in April 2015 as part of TrackSAFE’s trauma management work program to foster an environment of support and encouragement, so that asking ‘are you ok?’ becomes standard practice in the rail industry.
“Train drivers and other first responders are often at the forefront of trauma associated with rail incidents. Rail R U OK? Day is an initiative specifically aimed at helping rail workers deal with these and any other challenging situations they may face.
“Rail R U OK? Day has resonated strongly with industry. This year more than 8,500 rail employees got involved and we anticipate that support will increase for next year’s event.
“We want to reinforce the power of conversation in our workplaces, and hope that other industries might be encouraged to do the same,” Ms Frauenfelder says.