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Federal Budget: Tasmanian Rail Funds Confirmed

PublishedMay 13, 2015
The Federal Budget has confirmed the Australian Government's commitment to its share of the $240m Tasmanian Freight Rail Revitalisation Program.

This Budget confirms that $59.8 million has been allocated by the Australian Government for the first tranche of the Program over the next four years.

We can now announce that $59.8 million in matching State funding will be in the upcoming Tasmanian Budget.

This will deliver $119.6 million for priority capital works on the State's rail network as per TasRail's capital expenditure profile over the next four years.

This investment in our rail network will provide critical job-creating infrastructure.

In correspondence received last night from the Federal Minister for Infrastructure, the Han. Warren Truss MP, the Australian Government has confirmed that the second tranche of funds worth a further $59.8 million remains available in future budget years, subject to the Tasmanian Government providing matching funds as per the requirements of the current National Partnership Agreement.

It remains the Tasmanian Government's intent to match the Australian Government's commitment to the second tranche of funding to complete the Tasmanian Freight Rail Revitalisation Program.

TasRail has advised me that this $119.6 million, delivered by the State and Federal Budgets this year, will ensure the completion of priority works on the Tasmanian rail network and support the growth in the State's economy with job-creating infrastructure.

This funding will help to ensure a safer and more reliable rail track network and will give confidence to Tasmanian businesses and industry to choose rail freight as an efficient alternative to road transport.

This program of capital works will not only provide certainty to TasRail customers, but will be a major boost to Tasmania's civil construction sector.

I am advised that, subject to weather conditions permitting, work is ready to commence on the Western Line, the South Line and the Melba Line on the West Coast within weeks.


Rene Hidding, Minister for Infrastructure

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