A couple of warmer days and the snakes are starting to wake up! A rail operator had a close encounter with a snake in the Boyer Yard and an employee spotted a snake on his West Tamar property on the weekend.
For many of us our work environment and our leisure activities see us in locations also inhabited by snakes.
To reduce the likelihood of being bitten by a snake, please adhere to the following:
- Wear appropriate PPE when walking in long grass – e.g. safety footwear, thick socks & long trousers.
- Ensure everyone working in the field is briefed on first aid for snake bite. Field first aid kits are located in all vehicles.
- Be cautious if you are lifting up any materials in the yard, particularly if they have been sitting on the ground for a period of time. Wear gloves.
- If you see a snake, do not go near it or disturb it in anyway. Notify your supervisor and dependant on location; arrange a snake catcher to remove it.
The following news story appeared in local media in earlier in the year and introduces a new “App” that deals with Tasmanian snake bite, associated treatment and advice. The App is free and it is strongly recommended that anyone with a Smartphone takes the time to download it for easy access.
A Tasmanian snake rescue group has launched a Smartphone application designed to help treat animal bites. The Reptile Rescue application includes an hour-by-hour treatment guide for victims until they can reach a hospital. It also provides local emergency numbers and guides for snake identification and reporting sightings.
Reptile Rescue's Ian Norton hopes the application will help more people realise first aid is vital to prevent permanent organ damage. "We have people presenting at hospital from snakebite. In the majority of cases, they've done nothing or inadequate provision for their own safety," he said. "Now if we look at the long-term effects, you may survive seven hours. "That's the average for survival without treatment." The application was developed by students at the Launceston Polytechnic.
Leaders- please use this information during Toolbox Talks this week to remind team members of precautions to take to minimise the probability of snake bite as we head into the warmer weather.