TasRail is committed to working co-operatively and transparently with third party Above Rail operators seeking access to one or more operational sections of the Tasmanian Rail Network.
TasRail complies with the Tasmanian Rail Access Framework Policy as published by the Department of State Growth on 1 August 2018.
For enquiries about access please contact NAA@tasrail.com.au
Principles of Access
Tasmanian’s Rail Access Framework operates to the following principles:
- The principles of the National Access Regime and Competition Principles Agreement apply in Tasmania regardless of the form of the access framework.
- All accredited operators should be able to share the capacity of the upgraded Tasmanian Rail Network.
- The role of TasRail (as the Below Rail operator) is to manage the requirements of all Above Rail operators in a way that maximises the utility of the railway network for its users, which includes giving priority to freight, works and other users (in that order).
- Access fees are set by the Tasmanian Government and will be substantially lower than they otherwise would be under approaches used elsewhere in Australia, because maintenance and capital contributed by Australian and Tasmanian governments are not reflected in the network charges.
- As the network operator, TasRail retains residual discretion, that is the access framework does not provide a contractual obligation but rather provides third party operators with a right to negotiate access and to seek arbitration if they are unable to secure appropriate train paths in a timely manner, or if the terms of the negotiated access are considered to be unfair.
- The expectation that the benefits derived from government investment in improving infrastructure will be passed on to end customers.
- The pathway to seeking access should be clear and easily understood by third party operators, with publicly available documents to support this process.
- The access framework should be supported by a simple, low cost and independent dispute resolution process.
- TasRail’s Below Rail and Above Rail businesses should be treated separately for the purposes of determining the cost base for access charges and in assessing applications for access to the operational sections of the Tasmanian Rail Network.