Administration of rail funding from the Australian Government transferred from the Rail Management Branch within the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources to TasRail late in 2009. This completed the amalgamation of the whole operating rail network within Tasmania, along with responsibility for future upgrading of the Below and Above Rail elements of the business.
Below Rail operations are responsible to upgrade, maintain and operate the railway network and supporting infrastructure. Similar to the State’s road network, the rail network is a critical piece of infrastructure that generates only limited revenue and requires annual government funding to ensure that it is maintained to an appropriate safety standard.
The Above Rail business operates terminals, bulk handling and shiploading facilities and train services in response to customer requirements. It is also responsible to upgrade, maintain and operate the rollingstock fleet and to manage safe and authorised access to the network.
As an integrated business, TasRail is committed to delivering transport and logistics solutions that are safe, reliable and sustainable.